A tarot reading may help you connect with your intuition and encourage one to make positive decisions. If you are looking to gain a new perspective on life a tarot reading might just be for you!
The earliest tarot decks date back to at least the 15th Century in Italy. The designs may even have roots in older Islamic cultures but not much is really known before this time. Tarot was originally game called "Tarrochi". But by the 18th Century Tarot began to be used for divinatory purposes in the rest of Europe, from there it has become very popular as a way of seeing into the past, present and future. The reading can find solutions and resolutions to obstacles a person may be facing or face in the future. You may want to find clarity or come to terms with a sad or traumatic event a tarot reading can provide positivity with encouragement, support, and love. There are two types of tarot readings questions and answers (most common) session or an open reading to help with more complex issues.